im SO obsessed with The Script right now, they are an irish band from dublin (my favorite city in the world, and ive been so blessed because i have already been there three times! and each time was more amazing than the other) and they have these amazing songs, the voice of the singer is so emotional. my favorites from their album The Script are: If you seek Kay, the man who cant be moved and the end where i begin.

sometimes tears say all there is to say
sometimes your first scars will never fade
sometimes we dont learn from our mistakes
trying to break my heart, well its broke
trying to hang me high, well i'm choked
wanna rain on me well i'm soaked
soaked to the skin
its the end where i begin
its the end where i begin
I am obsessed with The Script too. My favorites are It's the end where I begin, The man who can't be moved, Talk you down, Before the Worst. Their songs just tell such romantic stories, irish style. Love.